Buds Digest 008 / edible moments with…
We trip out with NICKO CECCHINI, the uber talented and drop dead dreamy artist, in this seriously psychedelic edition of Edible Moments. The gracious painter gets personal and professional, sharing exemplary selections of their wholly original work alongside answers to some of Buds’ queerest wonders.
“I naturally came to the realization that our life is a kind of waking dream and I can shape whatever that dream looks like.”
Your work is rich with sexuality and psychedelia — what inspires that intersection?
Silence of a Wildfire.
Psychedelia enabled me to see beyond my own perspective. My first experience with mushrooms was when I was in high school and I ate an entire sandwich of them not knowing the effect it would have. I had this massive ‘Inception’ type journey where I went to another realm for what seemingly felt like decades. On this trip, the fabric of reality was kind of eternally warped for me and I started to view my life and life in general in a completely different way. Things I thought mattered never actually did. Thus, over time I naturally came to the realization that our life is a kind of waking dream and I can shape whatever that dream looks like. So I decided to become a painter because the act of painting is exactly that: constructing a world that is imagined and making it your reality. It is a natural reflection of my own inner dialogue. A completely immersive experience.
What are some of your favourite physical textures?
Being a painter I would be remiss if I didn’t say paint for it is the medium in which I chose to transcribe my life. But outside of that, I would say water because it is all encompassing. It’s formless and silky and perfectly represents the fluidity of our lives and ourselves.
Les Amoureaux.
Night Rider.
What is your favourite logo of all time?
The Nike swoosh because it’s so sexy.
Who is your dream person to get stoned with?
Andy Warhol - Though I’m not sure if he did drugs, I feel like a few hours smoking joints and talking about the state of the world would be a mind fuck. In a lot of ways, the theory of his work is more pertinent now than it ever has been. It’s as though he had a crystal ball and could see where culture was heading.. from art to technology to fame. Would love to get lost in his thoughts and just be voyeurs sitting in the corner together. I wonder what he would think of everyone getting their 15 seconds of fame and not the 15 minutes he had predicted.
Mushrooms or LSD? Who’s gayer?
LSD! Mushrooms are straight culture now.
East of Eden.
How does cannabis affect your creative mind?